That preset name is already in use. An error occured while processing the file. An error occured while rewinding the files. An error occured while preparing the output file for processing. Warning: An Error occured while aborting processing. Error: Not enough disk space left on the drive to create the file. Warning: Unable to open or create a presets file. Presets will not be available. An Error occured while processing the file. Unable to resolve alias. Warning: Memory is running low. You should save your work. Increase Hyperprism-PPC's memory allocation from the finder. An error occured while capturing the audio. Could not create a new file because the file is already open. An error occured during file playback. Insuficient memory to create the effect. Try saving then closing FX documents to free up memory. You may also want to increase the memory allocation of Hyperprism-PPC from the finder. This sample file is unreadable. An Error occured while opening the sample file. An Error occured while opening the FX file. An Error occured while creating the FX document. Unable to execute the Capture Audio Command. Unable to complete the command. File Error. Unknown Error.